Creating a Dropdown List in Xamarin.iOS

So in the Xamarin.iOS toolbox I was looking for a drop down list like I have used many times in windows and web applications.  I was surprised when I realized one doesn’t exist.

I ran across a couple great posts by Gooorack and ThirteenDaysAWeek on how to set this up.  While investigating, I did prefer the ListPickerViewModel published by jfoshee on Gist.

So I have put all these together into my own version, as well I want to display different text in the drop down list than what is “selected” and entered back into our textbox.  That is also why I liked the ListPickerViewModel that uses generics.

The example I have created is for a list of Provinces in Canada.  I want the drop down list to fully spell out all the provinces, but once selected I want the abbreviation to be entered into my textbox.

So to make this work you will need 3 pieces of code:

  1. Download the “ListPickerViewModel.cs” published by jfoshee on Gist.
  2. Have a data object created for you data.  I have attached this provinces example below or grab it from my Gist repo:
  3. Call this method “CreatePicker()” from ViewDidLoad() Method to create the picker.  Code is included below or available on Gist:
Here is my “Provinces.cs” Data Model:
This is a pretty simple data model so not much to say here…

Below is the code for the CreatePicker() Method.  I have just included it as a private method within my ViewController class.

You will have to update a few lines based on your data model.

Line 5:  Create an instance of the ListPickerViewModel with your data type and instance of data list.
Line 22 & 23: Cast your picker item to your ListPickerViewModel and then specify the text to display from your selected item.
Line 38: Specify which property to compare against in your text box to select the right item in list.

That should be it, hope that helps you out!